About the FM transmitter
With the FM transmitter, you can play songs in your device
using a compatible FM receiver, such as a car radio or a home
stereo system.
Наличността на FM предавателя е различна в различните
страни. Към момента на съставяне на документа FM
92 Play music and video clips
© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

предавателят може да се използва в следните европейски
държави: Австрия, Белгия, България, Великобритания,
Германия, Дания, Естония, Ирландия, Исландия, Испания,
Литва, Лихтенщайн, Люксембург, Малта, Норвегия,
Португалия, Турция, Финландия, Холандия, Чешка
република, Швейцария и Швеция. За най-актуална
информация и списък на неевропейските държави вижте
The operating distance of the FM transmitter is up to a
maximum of 3 metres (10 feet). The transmission may be
subject to interference due to obstructions, such as walls,
other electronic devices, or from public radio stations. The FM
transmitter may cause interference to nearby FM receivers
operating on the same frequency. To avoid interference,
always search for a free FM frequency on the receiver before
using the FM transmitter.
The operating frequency of the transmitter ranges from 88.1
to 107.9 MHz.
If the transmitter is not transmitting anything for one
minute, it switches off automatically.
The FM transmitter cannot be used while the headset or TV-
out cable is connected.